I did it, finally.
I have been peeking into the UWA Extension courses for ages
now, hesitant but entranced. Each course
was like a jewel that I had to admire and turn around in the light. They made me giddy with the possibilities –
but then fear and doubt would creep in and I would just bookmark them and
leave. I doubted myself, my ability, my
talent. Finally, today, I was brave (or just plain reckless) and despite the doubt still there, I
pressed the ENROL button, paid my fees and now am off to do a creative writing
course called:
Glint of light on
broken glass: short story writing and the art of suggestion.
(Makes me tingle just writing that.)
I am very excited, but nervous too. Will I be good enough? Will my writing be
immature and silly? Will I find my way there and not get lost? After my last episode into the ‘art’ world, I
have some serious doubts about my sophistication when it comes to anything
I have to also take my own lunch. Bit panicked about what lunch box to pack it
in? Should I take one that the boys left
behind when they moved out, black plastic box with a Perfect Circle sticker?
Edgy, yes, but maybe not that creative? (Does have its own little bottle
you can freeze with cordial that doubles as a cooler block however). Or, the large purple and pink Tupperware one,
that is really more for a family picnic – the other writers might think I am
greedy? (But I could fill it with home
baked muffins to share, and they will think I am a real Martha? Too pretentious? Yeah, I think so too). So maybe the best option will be a plain old
paper bag. It will look a bit arty, green, conscious about the planet (oh? Or
are paper bags out now too as they use trees … I am not sure, it all changes
all the time .. I don’t want to offend but I want to make a good impression). Maybe I will just go for a walk and find a
café? Or a Hungry Jacks for some more
writing material?

Of course, I will have to go and buy a new writing journal. I have only about a gazillion of them, all of
them started and used, but very few filled to the end. I keep liking fresh starts. Nothing more exciting than a brand new, crisp
journal to get you inspired. (Of course it’s
also a good excuse to go shopping – have to have a reason to go there in the
first place). While I am there, I will
buy a new pen – even though I prefer to write in pencil, the sound of me
constantly sharpening (my pencil HAS to be very pointy for me to write with any
style) may put off the Other Writers.
I wonder what they will be like? These Other Writers? Will they have horn rimmed glasses and let their grey hairs all grow out? Will they be quiet and only talk in well thought out witty quotes? Will they think I am a fraud amongst the real writers?
Maybe I should write about how I feel about writing with writers? Ah well. I have paid my money now, they have my enrolment details, so if I wag the class I am sure they will call my mother and then I will be in bigger trouble.
Roll on 21st October. If I like this one day course, there are lots more to do, a whole world of dare I say it, writing.